Final Beyond the Hill Learning Series Features Landlord/Tenant Law

Students who are looking to move off campus or currently live off campus are invited to attend this educational session, the final one in the Beyond the Hill series, about landlord/tenant law in the state of Arkansas. Attendees will learn what rights renters do and do not have and what to look for in a lease to ensure that they will be afforded a livable rental property.

Beyond the Hill: Landlord/Tenant Law will be from 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 18, in the Arkansas Union Theater, with free pizza for attendees to follow.

This learning session is intended to inform students of their rights so they will understand the amount of responsibility they are taking on when signing a lease and what they will be held accountable for. This session will also briefly cover the eviction process and what rights renters involved in an eviction have. Beyond the Hill: Landlord/Tenant Law is meant to be informative and educational; any student seeking legal advice should contact an attorney or Legal Aid of Arkansas.

Off-Campus Student Services is hosting the workshop and will also detail how to search for local off campus housing on the university's official off-campus housing website,  

The University of Arkansas requires first-year students to live on campus, with few exceptions. As students advance in their collegiate career, they tend to move off campus into apartments and other rental properties in the local community. Students who plan on living off campus for Fall 2017 should begin making arrangements now to find the best housing fit for them.

For questions about this learning series, please contact Samantha Higgins at 479-575-7351 or email Samantha at


Samantha Higgins, assistant director
Off-Campus Student Services

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