Communication Disorders Symposium Set for April 15 at U of A

U of A students work with clients in the Speech and Hearing Clinic under the supervision of communication disorders faculty.
The University of Arkansas will offer experts in autism and childhood apraxia of speech at a symposium April 15 on campus for speech-language therapy professionals and students. The symposium also offers training for clinical supervisors of U of A students in the communication disorders program.
Cost is $110 for professionals and $55 for U of A clinical supervisors. U of A students can attend for free. Registration may be done online. The symposium will take place from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in the Donald W. Reynolds Center, 145 Buchanan Ave. in Fayetteville.
The U of A student chapter of the National Student Speech-Language-Hearing Association is presenting the symposium. Professionals can earn seven hours of professional development credit.
The communication disorders program will also present the 2017 Mentor of the Year award and awards to outstanding students during the lunch break.
Amy Jamison-Casas, a speech-language pathologist for 10 years and mother of a son with autism, will present "Defining, Measuring and Maximizing Progress with Individuals Identified with Autism." She is a strong advocate for creating and maintaining respectful and individualized programs for her clients and families and enjoys sharing her passion for helping people learn to communicate in whatever modality best serves with sensitivity to funding source challenges and individual family dynamics.
Kimberly Frazier, coordinator of the communication disorders program, has more than 25 years of experience working as a speech-language pathologist in public schools, public health and private practice settings addressing the needs of children with communication disorders. Her presentation is titled "Differential Diagnosis of the Highly Unintelligible Child: When to Suspect Childhood Apraxia of Speech."
She will discuss diagnostic characteristics of childhood apraxia of speech, which is a motor speech disorder that results in difficulty saying sounds, syllables and words, and recommended diagnostic procedures.
Aletha Cook, director of clinical services at the U of A Speech and Hearing Clinic, will present "The Power of Feedback," designed to help speech-language pathologist supervisors shape and train future professionals. She will focus on three kinds of feedback and the triggers that most often block reception of feedback.
Cook, who is also a certified speech-language pathologist, has practiced in a variety of clinical settings, including residential health care, education and private practice.
Heidi S. Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions