Learn How to Navigate an Off-Campus Housing Lease Today
Students who are looking to move off campus or currently live off are invited to attend this educational session, the second in a series of three, about how to decipher and navigate a lease. Attendees will learn what to look for in a lease, terms and conditions they may see in lease and what they mean, as well as questions to ask your potential landlord before signing a lease.
Beyond the Hill: Leasing Basics will be held from 4-5 p.m. Tuesday, March 7, in the Arkansas Union Theater, with free pizza for attendees to follow. Students who plan on living off campus for Fall 2017 should begin making arrangements now to find the best housing fit for them.
This learning session is intended to reduce students' stress in moving off campus and to promote responsibility in their new role as members of the local community. In addition to learning about how to navigate applications and leases , students will also be given an overview of the process and timeline for a successful transition to off-campus life as well as how to searchfor off-campus housing.
Off-Campus Student Services is hosting the workshop and will also detail how to search for local off campus housing on the university's official off-campus housing website, offcampushousing.uark.edu.
One additional workshop will be held during the spring semester, Beyond the Hill: Landlord/Tenant Law on April 18 at 4 p.m. in the Arkansas Union Theater. Off-Campus Student Services will also host the Off-Campus Living Fair in the Arkansas Union International Connections Lounge on Wednesday, March 15, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The University of Arkansas requires first-year students to live on campus, with few exceptions. As students advance in their collegiate career, they tend to move off campus into apartments and other rental properties in the local community.
For questions about this learning series, please contact Samantha Higgins at 479-575-7351 or email Samantha at sfehr@uark.edu.
Samantha Higgins, assistant director
Off-Campus Student Services
479-575-7351, sfehr@uark.edu