Hailey Carter Selected as February's Student Leader of the Month
Sophomore Hailey Carter has been selected as the Student Leader of the Month for February. Originally from San Antonio, Texas, Hailey came to the University of Arkansas to major in biomedical engineering. She is involved with the Volunteer Action Center, a member of Kappa Delta Sorority, and Recess. Hailey has stated that a large reason she became so involved was because she has always had a passion for serving others. She also enjoys being around like service-minded individuals.
When asked what she thought a leader's most important qualities were, Hailey said, "Empathy is one of the most important qualities a leader can have. Through empathy, leaders are able to inspire others to achieve goals they never imagined possible. This leads to individuals feeling confident in their organization and willing to commit to its' success." Hailey also identified the student and staff of the Volunteer Actions Center as mentors for their commitment to success.
Hailey's advice to other leaders is to "enjoy what you do." She stated, "People get too wound up in what they are doing that they forget the why behind it. I think the most incredible leaders are those that are passionate about what they are doing and are able to share that with others. This leads to driven individuals with a shared passion and successful outcomes." Her favorite quote is from Jack Kerouac, "Be in love with your life, every minute of it."
The Student Leader of the Month award, sponsored by New Student & Family Programs, recognizes University of Arkansas undergraduate students for their excellence in leadership through campus involvement, leadership activities, or through volunteer and community service. More information about the award can be found here.
Vincent Phillips, graduate assistant, leadership and late night
New Student and Family Programs
479-575-5002, vdphilli@uark.edu