Lecture to Focus on Teacher Accountability, Supply
Matt Kraft, assistant professor of education and economics at Brown University, will give a lecture titled "Teacher Accountability Reforms and the Supply of New Teachers" at noon Friday, Feb. 24 on the University of Arkansas campus.
The lecture is part of the Department of Education Reform lecture series. RSVP online for lunch on the lecture website. It will be in Room 343 of the Graduate Education Building. Deadline to RSVP is 1 p.m. the Wednesday before the lecture.
Kraft's research and teaching interests include the economics of education, education policy analysis, and applied quantitative methods for causal inference. He studies human capital policies in education with a focus on teacher effectiveness and organizational change in kindergarten through 12th grade urban public schools. He has published on topics such as teacher coaching, teacher layoffs, teacher-parent communication, teacher professional growth, school working conditions, and extended learning time.
In 2015, Kraft was named a William T. Grant Scholar for his five-year research project, "Teacher Effects on Students' Non-Cognitive Competencies: A Study of Impacts, Instruction, and Improvement." The American Educational Research Association selected his article with co-author John Papay on the relationship between professional school environments and teacher development for the 2014 Palmer O. Johnson Memorial Award.
Heidi S. Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-575-3138, heidisw@uark.edu