Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Win at Academic Quiz Bowl Competition
From left, Colson Tester, instructor Nathan Kemper and Luke Lane outside of the Agriculture Building following their victories at the Academic Quiz Bowl Competition.
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Colson Tester, Luke Lane and instructor Nathan Kemper took home victories at the Academic Quiz Bowl Competition at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting held in Mobile, Alabama.
Tester, a junior from Clinton who is specializing in agricultural economics, took first place. Lane, a senior from Taylor who is specializing in pre-law, placed third. Tester and Lane, both members of the Honors College who serve as officers of the Agricultural Business Club, competed against 122 students from universities across the nation to achieve this honor and were formally recognized at the awards banquet.
Nathan Kemper serves as the adviser of the Academic Quiz Bowl team and teaches a special topics course that prepares students to compete in Quiz Bowl events. Congratulations to the Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Quiz Bowl competitors.
Ryan P. Ruiz, communications manager
Agricultural Economics and Agri business