Group Fitness Classes and Certification Courses Offered to UA Community

University Recreation's spring 2017 schedule of group fitness classes have begun. There are almost 90 classes scheduled throughout the week in a variety of formats and times, and University of Arkansas students, faculty, and staff are eligible to take Group Fitness classes at no cost. All other UREC membership types must purchase a Semester Group Fitness Pass for $40. Registration is only required once per year, and can be done either at the UREC membership office or at the class location. 

UREC will be hosting an ACE Group Fitness Instructor Prep course that will be offered from 3:15-5:15 p.m. Tuesdays, Feb. 7, to April 18. This course is designed to prepare individuals to take the ACE Group Fitness certification exam. The ACE Group Fitness Instructor Prep course enables individuals to become a certified instructor who can lead group fitness classes in gyms and other fitness facilities. Those interested in taking this course can register at

UREC will also be hosting a Kettlebell AMPD Instructor certification from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, March 12, in HPER 216. This program uses kettlebells, in both traditional and non-traditional ways, to create a fun and effective full body workout. This certification is safe and users of all ages can experience the benefits of strength training, functional movements, and cardiovascular exercise.

Additionally, UREC will also be hosting a PulsePointe Barre certification from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sunday, April 23, in HPER 216. PulsePointe Barre is an innovative and challenging barre experience that seamlessly weaves together traditional muscle-sculpting choreography with exhilarating cardio segments to define and challenge the body in a whole new way. This certification allows you to mix and match the barre segments using your own creativity to deliver consistently challenging and engaging class.

By obtaining one of the following certifications, individuals can boost their resumes and increase their chances of becoming an instructor for UREC. Current group fitness instructor, small group fitness instructor, and personal trainer Cedric Fonville expresses his love for teaching group fitness classes, saying "Group Fitness forces you to be a little bit more flexible, because you have to be able to adapt to teaching a broad range of participants. Everybody is motivated in different way, so you have to find creative and exciting ways to get people engaged in your class formats so that they feel comfortable. Teaching classes is very rewarding because I love the energy you get from a group of people."

All instructors interested in teaching for University Recreation are required to hold a nationally accredited certification, and all potential instructors must go through an interview process. The interview consists of an audition, in which the potential instructor teaches a 15-20 minute version of the class format they would like to teach. If hired, instructors will be able begin teaching classes based upon their audition and previous instructing experience.

For additional information contact Casey Fant at or 575-3542


John Cagle, public information coordinator
University Recreation

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