Seed Funding Available for Arts and Humanities Projects
The Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Economic Development is offering $25,000 to fund research, scholarly, and/or creative activity in the arts and humanities. Tenured and tenure-track faculty from all University of Arkansas colleges and schools are eligible.
Funded projects are intended to enrich the research and professional growth of the faculty member and the university, and result in new opportunities for research or other creative endeavors. Particular emphasis will be given to projects in those areas for which the opportunity for external funding is limited.
The funds are to be used on items that will further a project such as materials, travel, and supplies. The funds may not be used for faculty salary.
Proposal details:
Tenured and tenure-track faculty members may apply. Proposals will be accepted from all UA colleges and schools. The proposal narrative should describe the proposed activity. The narrative is limited to 3 pages and should address each of the following:
- Relevant background, goals and objectives
- Competence of the applicant to perform the proposed project
- Available facilities and resources to complete the project
- Expected outcomes and relevance
- (Optional) an additional single-page bibliography relating to the proposal.
In addition, the narrative should describe how the project will enhance the reputations of the faculty member and university. All application materials must be submitted as a single PDF file.
Proposers may request a budget of up to $5,000. Budget details should include major categories such as materials, travel, supplies, etc. The budget may be provided in narrative or tabular format. The budget must be accompanied by a brief narrative justifying the request. The budget request and justification should be limited to one page.
Project funds may be expended for a period up to 18 months after the award date.
The faculty member is required to submit a report within 90 days of the end of the award period that summarizes the use of the funds and the outcome of the project. (two page maximum)
Proposal deadline is 5 p.m. CT on March 17.
Submission: Proposals should be submitted as a single PDF file to, subject line: 2017 A&H Seed Grant Competition. These internal proposals do not need to be uploaded into the Razorgrant system. Award date: Awardees will be notified by April 21.
Selection process: Review of applications will be coordinated by the UA Office of the VPRED and conducted by UA scholars with expertise in Arts and Humanities research. Every application will receive a minimum of three independent reviews. The review panel will rank all proposals and present a recommendation to the VPRED. The VPRED will determine the awardees.
Additional information: Direct questions to Ralph Davis at
Ralph Davis, associate vice provost for research and economic development
Office of the Vice Provost for Research and Economic Development