Asian Studies Announces Spring 2017 Courses
The Asian Studies Program at the University of Arkansas will offer classes in history, music, and economics, with language courses in both Chinese and Japanese. These courses are offered by a diverse group of scholars and professors whose aim is to further develop knowledge and understanding of Asia as a whole.
Asian Studies Courses Spring 2017
Islam & Early South Asia | Robert Brubaker
HIST3823 001
MWF 9:40-10:30am | MEMH0318
The Recluse in Early East Asia | Rembrandt Wolpert
HIST4553 004 / AIST4003/H 003
TR 12:30-1:45pm | MAIN0323
Heian Japan (794-1192) | Elizabeth Markham
HIST4633/H 002 / AIST4003/H 002
TR 11:00am-12:15pm | MULN0104
Early Chinese Empires: Mythology, Archeology, and Historiography | Rembrandt Wolpert
HIST4853/H 003
TR 9:30-10:45am | MAIN0323
Reading Japanese Noh as Cultural History | Elizabeth Markham
HIST4913/H 001 / AIST4003/H 001 / MUHS 4253 002
TR 9:30-10:45am | MULN0104
Readings in Asian History | Rembrandt Wolpert
HIST517V 001
The Japanese Economic System | Robert Stapp
ECON3933 001
TR 11:00am-12:15pm | WCOB0234
Elementary Chinese II | Li Yang
CHIN1013 001
MWF 9:40-10:30am | WCOB0339
Elementary Chinese II | Li Yang
CHIN1013 002
MWF 2:00-2:50pm | KIMP0312
Elementary Chinese II | Li Yang
CHIN1013 003
MWF 12:55-1:45pm | WCOB0339
Intermediate Chinese II | Li Yang
CHIN2013 001
MWF 10:45-11:35am | SCEN0201
Intermediate Chinese II | Yun Yao
CHIN2013 002
MWF 12:55-1:45pm | WCOB0244
Chinese Conversation | Jenny Xu
CHIN3033 001
MWF 9:40-10:30am | WCOB0336
Special Studies in Chinese | Jenny Xu
CHIN3983 001
MWF 10:45-11:35am | WCOB0203
Culture and Society in China | Yun Yao
CHIN4313 001
T 2:00-4:30pm | WCOB0243
Elementary Japanese II | Matthew McNicoll
JAPN1013 001
MWF 9:40-10:30am | MAIN0420
Elementary Japanese II | Matthew McNicoll
JAPN1013 002
MWF 10:45-11:35am | MAIN0425
Elementary Japanese II | Tatsuya Fukushima
JAPN1013 003
MWF 11:50am-12:40pm | KIMP0312
Intensive Elementary Japanese | Matthew McNicoll
JAPN1116 001
MWF 8:35-9:25am &TR 8:00-9:15am | MAIN0323
Intermediate Japanese II | Ayako Hirano
JAPN2013/H 001
MWF 9:40-10:30am | KIMP0305
Intermediate Japanese II | Mafumi Omura
JAPN2013/H 002
MWF 2:00-2:50pm | KIMP0211
Advanced Japanese Conversation | Mafumi Omura
JAPN2022/H 001
MWF 10:45-11:35am | KIMP0213
Special Studies in Japanese | Tatsuya Fukushima
JAPN3983/H 001
Professional Japanese I: Business Writing | Tatsuya Fukushima
JAPN4333/H 001
MWF 11:50am-12:40pm | KIMP0306
About the Asian Studies Program
The strength of our faculty, both in the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences and in other colleges on campus, is to provide resources and training in Asian languages, cultures, history, politics, and economics. In addition to offering a major and minor in Asian Studies, the program supports research initatives, study abroad, and extra-curricular activities of faculty, students, and the local community. The program strives to provide students with a well-rounded education essential for careers in which knowledge of Asia is vital, promote interdisciplinary research on the Pacific region, and serve as a source of knowledge and expertise for the community.
For more information visit our webpage at
Ka Zeng, Professor
Political Science