Lesa Moyer Named Global Campus Employee of the Quarter

Lesa Moyer (center) accepts the Global Campus Employee of the Quarter award from Donald Judges, interim vice provost for distance education, and Jamie Loftin, assistant vice provost for distance education administration.
Lesa Moyer has been named employee of the first quarter by the University of Arkansas Global Campus.
Moyer is an academic records specialist who works with students taking Self-Paced Online Courses, which are offered by academic colleges and administered by the Global Campus. She helps students stay on track in their self-paced studies, providing support and encouragement.
Donald Judges, interim vice provost for distance education, said Moyer received the honor for her outstanding dedication to student success.
"Lesa personifies our goal of providing strong support to our students, especially those taking self-paced courses," Judges said. "These are the most flexible academic courses offered by the U of A, and they require self-discipline. Lesa and her team help students stay on track."
Moyer provides personal support to students by answering their questions, reminding them of academic deadlines, and helping them resolve issues.
"We have a wonderful team," Moyer said. "Those nice words said about me could have been said about any member of our team. We really care about all of our students and their success. At times that requires a listening ear, and other times a little nudge."
Moyer began her career at the Global Campus in 2009. After serving in administrative roles with human resources and professional development, Moyer moved into her current student-centered position in 2013.
"It's remarkable how well we get to know the students when we don't ever meet most of them face-to-face," Moyer said. "That's the nature of an online program. There's nothing better than hearing from students that our courses helped them achieve their goals."
The Global Campus awards the employee of the quarter honor to recognize outstanding achievement and accomplishments that relate to the unit's goals and the U of A mission. The other nominees for this quarter were Jerin Crandell and Lisa Riahi.
The award winner receives a commemorative certificate and a monetary award.
Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus
479-575-6489, ksmurphy@uark.edu