Expert on Presidential Rhetoric to Talk About 'Art of Anger' in Presidential Elections

The Department of Communication is hosting a colloquium speaker from 5:30-6:45 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 11, in Kimpel Hall 102. Mary Stuckey, professor of communication from Georgia State University and one of America's leading experts in presidential rhetoric, will be delivering a talk titled, "The Art of Anger in American Presidential Elections."

Stuckey, who is the current editor of the Quarterly Journal of Speech, is a prolific researcher in the area of presidential rhetoric. She is the author of many books, including: Voting Deliberatively: FDR and the 1936 Presidential Campaign (Penn State, 2015), The Good Neighbor: Franklin D. Roosevelt and the Rhetoric of American Power (Michigan State, 2013), Jimmy Carter, Human Rights, and the National Agenda (Texas A&M, 2008), To Slip the Surly Bonds: Ronald Reagan's Challenger Address (Texas A&M, 2006), and Defining Americans: The Presidency and National Identity (University of Kansas, 2004).


Ryan Michael Neville-Shepard, assistant professor

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