Williams Hired as Associate Director for Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance

Toya L. Williams has been hired as the associate director and compliance officer in the Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance. She will oversee the complaint processes for the campus community and serve as the ADA coordinator for the campus community. She will investigate allegations of discrimination, as well as provide training to students, faculty, and staff regarding discriminatory harassment prevention within the university community.

She began work on August 29. 

"I am happy to have someone with Toya’s background and experience in this position, said Danielle L. Wood-Williams, director and EEO Officer for the Office of Equal Opportunity & Compliance.

Williams was the Equal Employment Opportunity officer for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services for 9 years, where she created and implemented the EEO program. She was responsible for educating, preventing and investigating discriminatory harassment complaints and enforcing of the Americans with Disabilities Act Title I-Employment & Reasonable Accommodation Process and ADA Title II-Accessibility of Programs and Services. 

She has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Wayne State University, a master’s degree in human resource administration from Central Michigan University, a master’s degree in public administration from Western Michigan University, and a SHRM-CP certification.  


Danielle L. Wood-Williams, director and EEO officer
Office of Equal Opportunity and Compliance
479-575-4825, dlw11@uark.edu

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