Civil Engineering Staff Member Recognized for 30 Years of Service

Civil Engineering Staff Member Recognized for 30 Years of Service
University Relations

Sandra Hancock, fiscal support supervisor in the Department of Civil Engineering, was recently honored by the department with a reception for her 30 years of service to the University of Arkansas.

Hancock started with the University in August of 1986 as a secretary 1 within the department.

She was among the group of administrative professionals who chartered the Razorback Chapter of the International Association of Administrative Professionals. The chapter serves university administrative staff as a source of training and networking. Sandra served as president as well as other various officer positions while in IAAP. Recently through the restructuring of the association, the Razorback Chapter was dissolved and new Oklahoma-Arkansas Local Area Networks were organized as a replacement. Hancock quickly took up the lead in this new structure and is serving as the official contact.

In addition to this service, Hancock is currently serving as the president of the College of Engineering Staff Council. She has charged forward with new leadership and creative ideas for the coming year.

"Sandra is one of the key members of our department. She is a pleasure to work with and is always willing to help. The department is a better place because of her," said Micah Hale, professor and head of the Department of Civil Engineering.

Sandra will also be recognized at the annual Career Service Award Banquet in October.


Travis Scott Hefley, media specialist
Civil Engineering

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