Walton Faculty Recognized for Highly Cited Research

Waller, Venkatesh and Rosen
Submitted photo

Waller, Venkatesh and Rosen

Emerald Group Publishing, a global publisher focusing on research and practice, recognized three faculty members from the Sam M. Walton College of Business for their highly cited papers. In its Citation for Excellence awards, the Emerald Group annually highlights the authors of highly cited papers from all publishers in the following areas:

  • Business Management
  • Finance
  • Accounting
  • Economics
  • Marketing 

The Emerald Citations of Excellence 2016 winners from Walton are Dean Matt Waller, Distinguished Professor Viswananth Venkatesh and Professor Chris Rosen. Their papers are noted below.

  • Matt Waller and Stan Fawcett, "Data science, predictive analytics, and big data: A revolution that will transform supply chain design and management," Journal of Business Logistics
  • Venkatesh V., Brown S.A., Bala H., "Bridging the qualitative-quantitative divide: Guidelines for conducting mixed methods research in information systems," MIS Quarterly
  • Ganster D.C., Rosen C.C., "Work Stress and Employee Health: A Multidisciplinary Review," Journal of Management

Emerald Group says the "selection process made by our own editorial experts is based initially on the citations being given to papers published in a previous year (in this case 2013), but our judging panel also take into account the content of the papers themselves in terms of novelty, inter-disciplinary interest and relevancy in today's world. While high academic and research standards are a pre-requisite, these selections are of course ultimately subjective, but they are also a reflection of the high quality of work published in 2013."


David Speer, director of communications
Sam M. Walton College of Business
479-575-2539, dlspeer@uark.edu


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