Engineering Faculty Member Recognized by National Organization

Tish Pohl
Photo by University Relations

Tish Pohl

Tish Pohl, clinical assistant professor of industrial engineering, has been awarded a Certificate of Merit for Faculty Academic Advising from the National Academic Advising Association, or NACADA. Established in 1983, the NACADA Annual Awards Program for Academic Advising honors individuals and institutions making significant contributions to the improvement of academic advising.

In her role as academic advisor to all industrial engineering undergraduates, Pohl meets with each advisee at least once a semester and helps them with course selection, developing a plan of study, questions about minors, transfer credit, study abroad opportunities, graduate school and services on campus. In addition, she writes letters of recommendation for scholarships, internships, employment and graduate school. She also pairs students with alumni mentors who are working in the industrial engineering field.

"From the beginning, she provided a thorough and calculated framework for what I could expect in my degree plan," said industrial engineering student Victoria McDaniel. "She tailored my advising meetings to the specific needs of my curriculum and never failed to suggest all of the opportunities or avenues available within the department. Dr. Pohl encouraged me to make the most out of my education."

Kim Needy, dean of the Graduate School and International Education, hired Pohl when she was head of the industrial engineering department, and believes that Pohl has had a positive effect on the advising that the department offers.

"I believe it is now a benchmark within the College of Engineering, the U of A and across the country," said Needy. "Dr. Pohl spent significant time designing and refining our advising process. She studied other successful programs within the College of Engineering and other industrial engineering departments across the country, and educated herself on the process by attending conferences. But beyond academic advising, what is really great is that Dr. Pohl has made a true connection with our students, one that is deep and long-lasting."

Earlier this year, Pohl was recognized as one of two Academic Advisors of the Year by the University of Arkansas Academic Advising Council.


Camilla Shumaker, director of communications
College of Engineering

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