Shelly Walters Named Global Campus Employee of the Quarter

Shelly Walters Named Global Campus Employee of the Quarter
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Shelly Walters has been named employee of the third quarter by the University of Arkansas Global Campus.

Walters is the associate director of the Instructional Design and Support Services unit at the Global Campus. Previously an instructional designer, Walters now leads the faculty and student support unit, which includes academic technologists and Blackboard Learn training and support staff.

"It is truly an honor to receive this recognition," Walters said. "I enjoy coming to work every day to support a team who is focused on faculty and student success."

Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education, presented the award to Walters at a recent ceremony and recognized her work to integrate the Blackboard Learn support team into the Global Campus.

"Shelly has done an amazing job of facilitating the integration of the Blackboard support team into the existing support units at the Global Campus," Reyes said.

The newly formed faculty and student support unit at the Global Campus supports the adoption and use of learning technology, including Blackboard Learn, said Donald Judges, interim associate vice provost for distance education. The team supports all types of classes, including online and face-to-face courses on and off campus. The new team complements the course-development support provided by the existing Instructional Design and Support Services unit.

Judges also added that Walters earned this recognition while completing her comprehensive exams for her doctoral degree.

Walters is earning a doctor of education in educational technology from Boise State University in Idaho. After completing her dissertation, she plans to graduate in May 2017. She is also a Quality Matters certified peer reviewer. The Quality Matters program is nationally recognized as a faculty-centered, peer-review system that assures quality in online and blended courses.

Walters joined the Global Campus in 2012, after working for seven years as the university marketing manager for the Fayetteville Visitors Bureau. She earned a master's degree in educational technology from Boise State University in 2013 and a Bachelor of Science in Education from the U of A in 2009.

The Global Campus awards the employee of the quarter honor to recognize outstanding achievement and accomplishments that relate to the unit's goals and the U of A mission. The other third-quarter nominees were Liz Stover, Lisa Riahi, Colleen Whitman and Beverly Wade.

The award winner receives a commemorative certificate and a monetary award.


Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus

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