Wi-Fi Improvements to Be Completed in Peabody Hall, Graduate Education Building

As part of the ongoing Achieve IT: Network Everywhere project, improved Wi-Fi will be available in Peabody Hall and the Graduate Education Building starting at 10:30 a.m. Sunday, April 24, following a brief Wi-Fi outage in those buildings.

In preparation for installing new wireless access points, IT Services network engineers and contractors have started work to add cabling in the following buildings:

  • Chemistry Building
  • George and Boyce Billingsley Music Building
  • Discovery Hall

Wi-Fi improvements in all academic buildings are expected to be completed by early fall. Updated information, as well as a feedback form to communicate with university network engineers, is available on the Network Everywhere page of the Campus IT website.

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Erin C. Griffin, content strategy and IA specialist
Information Technology Services
479-575-2901, ecgriff@uark.edu

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