Three Things You Can Do to Really Enjoy Your Spring Break
Spring break is a much needed break during a stressful time of the semester. Sometimes, it can be hard to know how to use this precious time: have fun and go wild, rest and relax, use it to study, or maybe travel? With so many options and the temptation to do all you can, often spring break rolls by and you are left needing a vacation to recover from your break.
Here are three things you can do to really enjoy your spring break, provided by Counseling and Psychological Services at the Pat Walker Health Center:
1.) Live in the moment: Be mindful and engaged in what you are doing. We spend a lot of time thinking about the past or the future, so much that the present sometimes slips by unnoticed. Take a moment and immerse yourself in the experience that you are having (even when you are just having a regular moment). Taking a moment for yourself can make even the mundane moments a heightened experience!
2.) Aim for balance: Whether your natural pace is to be busy all the time or to take things really slow, try to have balance during your break. If you tend to skip out on rest and relaxation, add in a day or two, or even a few hours each day, of taking it easy and doing nothing. If you are someone who does not like to venture out, add something new and adventurous to your break. Explore a new place, meet people, try out new cuisines.
3.) Avoid being frazzled: Taking time to prepare for the week after spring break goes a long way in avoiding the stress that comes with last-minute scrambling and anxiety. Be aware of what is coming up next week and have a plan for how you will tackle the upcoming tasks. Sometimes writing down this plan and getting some things done on the front end is helpful as this way you don't have to carry it around all week.
Zac Brown, assistant director of communications
Pat Walker Health Center