Free Shuttle Buses Available from Campus for Daymond John Lecture

Daymond John
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Daymond John

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Daymond John, Shark Tank star, entrepreneur and marketing master, will share his “Five S.H.A.R.K Points – the Fundamental Keys to Success” as part of the student-sponsored Distinguished Lecture Series at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, at the Fayetteville Town Center on the downtown Fayetteville square.

The event is free, open to the public, and no ticket is required.

The student Distinguished Lecture Series will provide free shuttle bus service from campus to the Town Center, beginning at 5:30 p.m. Buses will pick up passengers at the Pat Walker Health Center and the Harmon Ave. Garage stops. Following the lecture the shuttle buses will also be available to take students back to campus.

Free street parking is also available after 5 p.m. on and around the Fayetteville Square, in the parking garage behind the Town Center, and in parking lots near the square.

The Distinguished Lecture Series is a student-sponsored program. Speakers are chosen by a committee of students, faculty and staff, and the events are funded by a student-approved fee, appropriated by the Programs Allocation Board.



Stephanie Long, co-chair
Student Distinguished Lecture Series Committee

Steve Voorhies, manager, media relations
University Relations

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