Poultry Science Department Students Receive Awards During International Production and Processing Expo

FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – Students of the University of Arkansas Poultry Science Department received prestigious awards at the 2016 International Poultry Scientific Forum held in conjunction with the 2016 International Production and Processing Expo held Jan. 26-28 at the Georgia World Congress Center in Atlanta.

The International Poultry Scientific Forum is host to two presentation venues: Southern Poultry Science Society (37th Annual Meeting) and the Southern Conference on Avian Diseases (57th Annual Meeting). Information is presented there on industry topics such as environmental management, nutrition, physiology, pathology, processing and products, and avian diseases.

The UA graduate students won a combined eight Certificate of Excellence awards for their research presentations and posters. There were 69 graduate students in the research competition.

The poultry science students who received Certificates of Excellence are:

  • Sara Orlowski, in the presentation category of Physiology: "Histological analysis of the pectoralis major muscle in broiler lines divergently selected for Percentage 4-day breast yield,"
  • Katy Tarrant, in the presentation category of Pathology: "Predicting ascites incidence in simulated altitude-challenge using single nucleotide polymorphisms identified in multi-generational genome wide association studies,"
  • Justina Caldas Cueva, in the presentation category of Metabolism and Nutrition I: "Maintenance energy requirements in modern broilers fed exogenous enzymes,"
  • Devin Cook, in the poster category of Physiology: "Expression of Nuclear Factor [Erythroid-derived 2]-like2 (NFE2L2) and Kelch like-ECH protein 1 (KEAP1) in breast muscle of broiler breeder males with high or low feed efficiency,"
  • Sun Xiao, in the poster category of Processing and Products: "The relationship between instrumental compression forces and meat quality traits of woody breast fillets during short-term storage,"
  • Muhammed Shameer Abdul Rasheed, in the poster category of Pathology:  "Assessment of the level of protection against coccidiosis in broiler breeders conferred by vaccination,"
  • Kallie Sullivan, in the poster category of Pathology: "In vivo cellular responses to intradermal injection of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in chickens,"
  • Juan Latorre, in the poster category of Metabolism and Nutrition: "Impact of a Bacillus direct-fed microbial supplementation on bone quality, digestive traits and performance parameters in 28-day old broilers fed Barley/Corn/Soybean-based diets."

The International Production and Processing Expo is a collaboration of three shows – International Feed Expo, International Meat Expo and the International Poultry Expo – representing the entire chain of protein production and processing. The event is sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association, the North American Meat Institute and the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association. 


Sara Landis, communications
Center of Excellence for Poultry Science
479-575-3192, slandis@uark.edu

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