University Recreation to Offer Free Hands-Only CPR classes on Feb. 12
If a loved one suddenly collapsed and became unconscious, would you know what to do? According to the American Heart Association, as many as four out of five cardiac arrests happen at home. While effective bystander CPR can double or triple a victim's chance of survival, only one-third of these victims actually receive this help.
Barriers to act can result from uncertainty of how to perform CPR, or fear of doing the wrong thing. The goal of hands-only CPR training is to remove these barriers by teaching the basic techniques involved in CPR. While this training is not a substitute for certification or full CPR training, having more citizens trained in basic CPR skills can help save lives by putting more cardiac arrest victims within steps of lifesaving assistance.
In honor of American Heart Month, UREC is offering four sessions of bystander hands-only CPR classes on Friday, Feb. 12, in the Connections Lounge of the Arkansas Union. Each class will teach when and how to perform hands-only CPR, and participants will have a chance to demonstrate their CPR compression skills on a mannequin. Classes will start at 11 a.m., noon, 1 p.m., and 2 p.m. Classes are free, no registration is needed, and walk-in participants are welcome.
Contact Katie Helms at 575-4684 for more information.
Katie Helms, assistant director
University Recreation