Karen Hodges Named as New Executive Director of Academic Initiatives and Integrity
Karen Hodges, executive director of Academic Success, has been named executive director of Academic Initiatives and Integrity, effective Sept. 23. In this position, Hodges will oversee all matters concerning academic dishonesty violations and be responsible for educational outreach to faculty, staff and students in regard to the university's Academic Integrity Policy and procedures.
In her previous role as executive director of Academic Success, Hodges coordinated the learning coach program and the Effective College Learning classes. She also offered workshops and worked with the University Perspectives team.
Hodges rejoined the university's staff in 2006 as director of remediation and retention for the Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences, and she served as interim director of admissions prior to assuming her current role in 2009. Prior university positions include visiting assistant professor of English and academic coordinator for Upward Bound and student support services. In addition to her service to the university, Hodges has been recognized for her teaching and professional service including election to Phi Beta Kappa. She also serves as a consultant-evaluator for the Higher Learning Commission.
Hodges received a Bachelor of Arts in English from Pfeiffer College and earned a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in English from the University of Arkansas.
Terry Martin, vice provost for Academic Affairs, indicated that he "is extremely pleased that Dr. Hodges will be overseeing our Academic Initiatives and Integrity Office. She brings a vast experience in higher education to lead the integrity efforts and look at new academic initiatives on our campus."
Jessica Hulse, HEI Program coordinator
Office of the Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
479-575-2151, hulse@uark.edu