Greek Life, Razorback Athletics and University Housing Partner Take Stand Against Sexual Assault
Greek Life has partnered with Razorback Athletics to create a public service announcement to encourage others to take the It's On Us pledge to show your commitment to ending sexual assault in our community.
"Razorback Athletics is pleased to join with others in our campus community to support this important awareness campaign," Vice Chancellor and Director of Athletics Jeff Long said. "Sexual assault is not and will never be acceptable at the University of Arkansas. Our hope is that when others see this video of campus leaders, Razorback coaches and student-athletes taking the pledge, they will be inspired to take the pledge as well. We all need to act to help prevent sexual assault on our campus."
Everyone is encouraged to sign the official It's On Us pledge, which will then put their name on the pledge list on the official website. In addition, we are challenging others to change their social media profile picture by using the It's On Us overlay.
Throughout the week, Greek Life will be encouraging the campus community to take part in the It's On Us national campaign to bring more awareness regarding sexual assault. Beginning today, students will host a kick off event by tabling on the Union Mall and Brough Commons from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. They will also be tabling throughout the week at various locations throughout campus.
On Tuesday night the Greek Life program S.A.P.P., Sexual Assault Prevention Project, will focus on the issue of consent in a town hall setting at 6 p.m. in the Donald W. Reynolds Center. Special guest will include the NWA Center for Sexual Assault, Dean's Office/Title IX, General Counsel. This program will be aimed towards all new members who recently joined Greek organizations.
On Thursday, there will be an It's On Us pep rally in the Chi Omega Greek Theatre at 6 p.m. featuring the band, cheerleaders and special guest speakers. The theme will be "Supporting Survivors." This event is open to the public.
University Housing has also teamed up with Greek Life to hang teal banners on residential facilities throughout the week. Banners will also be hung on various university buildings including fraternity and sorority houses. Other creative ideas will be displayed throughout the week as well.
"Collaboratively, our ultimate goal is to paint the campus teal in order to raise awareness!" states Parice S. Bowser, Director of Greek Life. "Through partnerships and continued efforts our desire is to reach all parts of student life in hopes others will speak up and speak out — sexual assault is wrong!"
The It's On Campus began in the White House with backing from President Barrack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, and now has over 75 sponsors. The It's On Us campaign aims to reach a broader base of the population through its pledge and awareness efforts.
Everyone participating in activism on social media should use the hashtag #uarkitsonus and can follow the week on Instagram at @uark_itsonus.
Special thanks to all colloborative partners: Razorback Athletics, University Housing, Infraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, United Greek Council, Panhellenic Council, UAPD, RIC, ASG, RESPECT, B-Unlimited, NWA Center for Sexual Assault, Kappa Psi Band Fraternity, Razorback Spirit Squads, UA Dean's Office, and the UA General Counsel.
Parice S. Bowser, director
Greek Life
Scott Flanagin, executive director of communications
Division of Student Affairs
Kevin Trainor, associate athletic director, public relations
Razorback Athletics