University Cadet Sweeps Three Competitive Awards
Cadet Kalynn Barlow, a third-year cadet, has garnered three extremely competitive regional and national honors so far this semester. Barlow had been awarded the Legion of Valor Bronze Cross and the USAA Scholarship Award, as well as being the Southwest Region Nominee for the Lt. Jay Smith Memorial Scholarship Award.
When students join the Reserve Officer Training Program at any university, they are expected to do the best they can in all they do. They need to have high academic standing, demonstrated leadership skills and be in top physical shape. Most would find this a daunting challenge, and while many do well in the program, there are always a few who excel in everything. Barlow is one of those students.
"No matter what job Cadet Barlow is assigned, that always seems to be the job that is brought up to an amazing standard, much higher than it may have been done before," said Cat Donnelly, administrative assistant to the Air Force ROTC.
The Legion of Valor Bronze Cross is only awarded to four cadets in the nation. It recognizes outstanding AFROTC cadets who have demonstrated excellence in military and academic performance. They must be in the upper 10 percent in their ROTC class and in their major. They must also demonstrate outstanding leadership qualities. Recipients of this award will be considered for the prestigious Olmstead Scholarship Program where they may earn an advanced degree at an oversees university.
The United States Automobile Association Scholarship awards consist of a brass clock and a $1,500 scholarship. The successful cadet must demonstrate achievement in leadership, organizational ability, teamwork, and academics.
In 2007, Lt. Col (Ret.) Paul and Susan Smith established an endowment to memorialize and honor their son, Lt. Paul (Jay) Smith. At the age of 24, Jay perished in the ValuJet Flight 592 crash in the Florida Everglades as he was on his way to the University of Miami to commission his fraternity brother into the Air Force. The foundation annually awards the Lt. Jay Smith Memorial Scholarship of $2,000 to a cadet who distinguishes him or herself through leadership and dedicated service to community and country.
To learn more about Air Force ROTC at the University of Arkansas, please contact Lt. Clayton Sharum at 479-575-3651 or
Cat Donnelly, administrative specialist
Air Force ROTC