Old Virtual Private Network Mobile App to Be Discontinued on Sept. 30
The virtual private network (VPN) application Junos Pulse Mobile is no longer supported by its vendor and will be removed from iOS and Android app stores on Sept. 30. In July 2015, IT Services announced the new Pulse Secure application, recommended for connecting to the campus VPN from a mobile device. Instructions and download links for the new app are available at http://its.uark.edu/personal/vpn.
For faculty and staff who work from home, VPN is essential for accessing on-campus remote desktops, servers or other resources. The university requires UARK users who are off campus to use VPN for connecting to the network as a security measure to protect university servers and resources from malicious attacks.
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Erin Griffin, documentation/User Support Specialist
IT Services
479-575-2901, ecgriff@uark.edu