Faculty, Doctoral Students Present Research at Academy of Management

Members of the management faculty and doctoral students from the Sam M. Walton College of Business at the University of Arkansas presented their research work at the 75th meeting of the Academy of Management held in Vancouver, British Columbia.

The premier international meeting for management scholars, held Aug. 7-11, attracted more than 11,000 management faculty from all over the world.

Walton faculty members presenting their work at the conference were John Delery, Alan Ellstrand, Nina Gupta, Jon Johnson, Jen Kish-Gephart, Anne O'Leary-Kelly, Chris Rosen and Dan Worrell. The Walton doctoral students were Hansin Bilgili, Danny Franklin, Daanish Pestonjee, Shannon Rawski, Dorothea Roumpi, Jacqueline Tilton and Eric Yochum. The faculty and doctoral students presented papers on a wide range of topics in the areas of human resources management, strategic management, social issues and organizational behavior.

Pestonjee presented a paper on "An Integrated Process Model of Performance Appraisal" and with Delery and Gupta presented another on "Organizing the Performance Appraisal Context."

A paper entitled "Breaking the Mold of Traditional Business: The Emergence and Diffusion of B- Organizational Forms" was presented by Bilgili, Ellstrand, Johnson and Worrell. Bilgili, Ellstrand and Johnson presented a paper on "Riding off into the Sunset: Shareholder Reactions to CEO Retirements."

Rosen presented a paper that he co-authored with three other scholars entitled "Show Me the Love: Generational Differences in Chinese Employees' Response to I-deals." Roumpi presented her paper on "Effects of CEO Political Ideology on the Provision and Inclusiveness of Work-Family Policies," and Yochum presented his paper entitled "CEO-Directors and Moral License."

Samantha A. Conroy of Colorado State, a Walton doctoral graduate, and Gupta presented "Does Your Pay Determine My Satisfaction? Pay Structure and Pay Level Satisfaction in Groups," and another Walton doctoral graduate, Amy J. Guerber of the University of Alberta, presented a paper co-authored with Walton professor Vikas Anand entitled "Does Who We Are Influence What We Say? Organizational Identity and Responses to Negative Events." Guerber also presented a paper "Advice-Taking Motivations in Ethical Decision-Making," co-authored with Anand and Franklin.

Anand, Tilton and Kish-Gephart presented on "Identification & Whistleblowing: Predicting Employee Action after Suspicion of Unethical Activity" at a showcase symposium, and Kish-Gephart was one of the organizers of a showcase symposium on "Understanding the Implications of Social Class at Work."

O'Leary-Kelly and Denise Breaux-Soignet of the Walton management department participated in the caucus session on "Flirting With Danger? Social Sexual Behavior in the Workplace."

Roumpi was one of the facilitators for a caucus session on "Research in and on Africa: Opportunities and Challenges in Data Collection and Publishing," where O'Leary-Kelly was one of the organizers.



David Speer, director of communications
Sam M. Walton College of Business
479-575-2539, dlspeer@uark.edu

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