Participants Discuss Philosophy at Kickoff of New Teacher Academy

New Teacher Academy participants gather for the first time Aug. 27 on campus.
With eight days of teaching under their belts, the first participants in the University of Arkansas New Teacher Academy gathered Aug. 27 with U of A faculty members to discuss how their philosophy of teaching had evolved in their short time at the head of an elementary classroom.
During the exercise, they sorted index cards with themes printed on them and then created a pyramid with the ones they felt best represented their values and beliefs. It was part of the half-day session in the Arkansas Union led by Heather Kindall, assistant professor of childhood education, and Angela Elsass, clinical assistant professor of childhood education.
Elsass asked the teachers to develop a personal teaching statement and to always work to align their beliefs with their teaching practices.
"Self-reflection is so important because it helps you grow as a teacher," Elsass said. "You want to be effective classroom teachers. You want to help your students learn."
"Every decision you make is impacted by your values and beliefs," Kindall said.
The Education Renewal Zone in the College of Education and Health Professions received a $5,000 grant from the Arkansas Department of Education to create the program, which Kindall and Elsass helped to develop. It partners with rural school districts in Northwest Arkansas to equip first-year elementary teachers with the information and skills needed for longevity in the teaching profession. Its purpose is to support new teachers in whatever ways they need to be successful. Priscilla Wetzel, program coordinator for the Education Renewal Zone, also assists with the program.
The program will provide monthly networking lunches for the new elementary teachers and U of A education faculty who will be paired with them as mentors throughout the year. They will also attend monthly four-hour professional development sessions offered at locations throughout Northwest Arkansas.
The new teachers, their schools and their U of A faculty mentors:
- Carly Bartholomew, Prairie Grove, Grace Kerr
- Melissa Brooks, Farmington, Cathy Wissehr
- Justin Demieville, Gentry, Karmen Bell
- Scott McCollum, Gentry, Denise Mounts
- Katie Phillips, Farmington, Linda Eilers
- Sara Tenison, Farmington, Tracey Crowe
- Kelsey Tibbit, Prairie Grove, Donna Owen
- Amee Todd, Decatur, Vicki Collet
- Madison Ward, Farmington, Christine Ralston
In addition to taking part in several activities, the teachers completed a survey so that Elsass and Kindall can tailor future sessions to their particular needs.
Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
(479) 575-3138,