Registration Open for Education Innovation Summit on Sept. 29 in Little Rock

The Office of Innovation for Education based at the University of Arkansas is working with the Arkansas Department of Education to host a one-day Education Innovation Summit on Sept. 29 in Little Rock.

The theme is "Focus, Connect and Act!" with more information available on the Office of Innovation for Education website. The objective of the summit is for educators to learn more about innovative practices, learn a framework for personalizing learning, hear from others who are doing it, and leave with their own next steps for innovating.

The summit will take place at Heifer Village, 1 World Ave., Little Rock. The cost is $75 with breakfast and lunch included. Participants can earn up to six hours of Arkansas Department of Education-approved professional development credit.

In the morning, participants can choose to attend sessions on exploring innovation and designing innovative programs. The afternoon sessions offer more specifics about innovative programs and how they look in the classroom. A question-and-answer period and a network-building session are also planned.

The University of Arkansas and the Arkansas Department of Education established the Office of Innovation for Education (OIE) in 2013 to cultivate and support sustainable innovation in Arkansas education. The OIE is directed by Denise Airola, who previously worked with the Arkansas Leadership Academy and the National Office for Research on Measurement and Evaluation Systems, both in the College of Education and Health Professions at the U of A and as a teacher in K-12 education prior to her career at the U of A.


Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
(479) 575-3138,

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