Biology/German Student Prepares for Physical Therapy Career in Internship Abroad
Selina Baner, a junior majoring in biology and German, completed an internship at the Dreifürstensteinschule, a school for children with multiple disabilities, in Mössingen, Germany. Baner worked at the school for two months prior to studying abroad for a semester at the University of Regensburg in Germany.
Given its unique mission, the school employs teams of teachers, physical and occupational therapists, psychologists, and nurses. Baner intends to pursue a career in physical therapy and said that learning about the school system for disabled children in Germany also helped her consider what resources are available for children in America.
She enjoyed working with the students and medical professionals as well as with other young adults who were completing their Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, or year of voluntary public service. Baner is a fluent speaker of German, which allowed her to interact with everyone at the school.
Baner is a student in the J. William Fulbright College of Arts and Sciences and a member of the Honors College. She is originally from St. Louis, Missouri, and her parents are Gisela and Larry Baner.
Kathleen Condray, associate professor of German
World Languages