Katrosh Named Global Campus Employee of the Year

Kris Katrosh, manager of the media production team, holds his award for Global Campus Employee of the Year. Celebrating with him are (left to right) Donald Judges, interim associate vice provost for distance education; Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education; and Jamie Loftin, assistant vice provost for distance education administration.
Kris Katrosh has been named employee of the year by the University of Arkansas Global Campus for his contribution to enhancing academic courses through the creation of compelling instructional videos and animations.
Katrosh is the manager of the media production team, which is dedicated to delivering instructional videos and animations used in courses developed by U of A academic colleges and schools. The media production team and instructional designers collaborate with faculty to develop engaging educational content to enhance student learning.
Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education, presented the award to Katrosh at a recent ceremony and thanked him for elevating the quality of courses by producing videos that help faculty convey content to students in a meaningful way.
"The work done by Kris Katrosh and his team exemplifies the spirit of the Global Campus," Reyes said. "The media production team supports and brings to life the vision of the faculty by creating videos and animations that enhance the learning environment. These educational assets rival national industry standards and enhance the brand of the University of Arkansas."
The media team creates a professional, topic-specific look and feel for each video, using a variety of technologies and tools, including 4K ultrahigh-definition video cameras and a "light board" that allows instructors to write and draw on the screen in real time as lectures are recorded. The team also provides green-screen recordings, slow-motion and time-lapse photography, and two-dimensional and three-dimensional animation.
"It is very rewarding to be selected for this honor, knowing that my colleagues value the work done by the media production team," Katrosh said. "I see this award as a reflection on our whole team and the work we do in partnership with faculty across the campus."
The media production unit produced 220 videos and animations in the last fiscal year for use in courses offered by academic colleges and schools across campus. Katrosh's team includes Jerin Crandell, video project specialist; David Reynolds, animation specialist; and three interns.
"The university is fortunate to have Kris Katrosh and his team," said Donald Judges, interim associate vice provost for distance education. "Because their professionalism and skill are as evident in the production process as in the product, faculty find the creative experience rewarding and online students find themselves at the forefront of media-enhanced learning."
Before joining the Global Campus in November 2013, Katrosh worked for University Relations and helped develop the promotional video series, "Short Takes." He also served five years as the director of the David and Barbara Pryor Center for Arkansas Oral and Visual History at the University of Arkansas. He worked from 1996 to 2006 as the general manager at Dempsey Film Group, a 30-person, full-service film and video facility in Little Rock. Prior to that, Katrosh worked as a lighting designer for films, television commercials and large-scale events.
Global Campus recognizes employees for their outstanding achievements and accomplishments that relate to the unit's goals and mission of the U of A. Other employee of the year nominees were Leonard Ridley, manager of Web design services, and Julie Stagner, a recruiter for online programs.
The honoree is selected by a vote of all Global Campus employees. The award winner receives a commemorative certificate and a monetary award.
Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus
479-575-6489, ksmurphy@uark.edu