IT Services Migration from emPower to ImageNow Completed
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark.-- IT Services has completed the migration of approximately 10 million documents from emPower to the new document management system ImageNow. ImageNow allows departments to securely store and retrieve all types of electronic documents. Users can build simple or complex workflows to route documents through an approval or other business process.
Once a department has access to ImageNow, users can manage documents on the Web or by using a Windows application. Departments can request access at by selecting ImageNow from the Category menu and submitting a request.
The new ImageNow WebApp is available for light use to manually add scanned images or existing documents at A Windows application for working with large volumes of files, complex workflows, batch scanning and indexing, and bulk loading of documents can be downloaded. Learn more about using the new system at
The NetFYI Web application for emPower will be permanently retired on Friday, July 31.
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Erin Griffin, documentation and user support specialist
Information Technology Services