Applications Open for Internal Online Course Review by Faculty Peers
As part of its quality-assurance processes for online courses, the Global Campus invites University of Arkansas faculty and instructors to submit their online courses for an internal, peer-based review this fall. This opportunity will help validate and improve the quality of online courses as measured by trademarked Quality Matters standards.
The internal course review application is available on the Global Campus website, and requests are due by Aug. 1.
Although the Global Campus and academic units have applied Quality Matters standards to development of online courses at the U of A since 2012, the internal peer-review process offers a more comprehensive and in-depth application of those standards, an objective and independent assessment of compliance with them, and a means to ensure that course revisions have not resulted in deviation from them.
The internal review of an online course is comparable to an observation in a face-to-face learning environment. It strengthens the course and validates quality, just as peer review of a research paper validates quality.
Internal course reviews foster peer-to-peer collaboration that focuses on course design. Reviews have no connection with the evaluation process for promotion or tenure.
U of A faculty and instructors who are certified by Quality Matters as reviewers will conduct reviews on campus within the 16-week fall semester. Future review sessions will be available.
"(Quality Matters standards) help faculty see their courses from the student's perspective by clearly delineating what is expected, how to succeed, and how the student will be assessed," said Jim Gigantino, U of A assistant professor of history.
Quality Matters is a national leader in quality assurance for online education and has received national recognition for its scalable, peer-based approach, as well as its continuous improvement in online education and student learning. The Quality Matters rubric establishes standards for critical course components. Academic freedom is not lost because there are many ways to meet each standard.
The benefits of a Quality Matters-based review include:
- Course alignment with accreditation standards
- Peer-to-peer collaboration
- Professional development
- Improvement in student engagement and learning outcomes
To be eligible for review, a course must have been developed after spring 2012 and taught at least three terms.
"I think Quality Matters standards help faculty determine what they want their students to be able to achieve by the end of the semester by establishing clear and measurable course and lesson objectives that the student can understand," Gigantino said. "Thinking about my online teaching in this way has even changed how I present material to my students in face-to-face classes—the standards are not only meant to help establish good online teaching but good teaching in any setting."
The Global Campus supports academic colleges and schools in the development and delivery of online degree programs, courses and other offerings. Faculty and instructors can find resources on the Global Campus website.
Paula Ritchey, assistant to the director of Instructional Design and Support Services
Global Campus
Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus