National Association Appoints Wyandt-Hiebert to Co-Chair Task Forces for Campus Safety, Sexual Assault Prevention
The American College Health Association has appointed Mary Wyandt-Hiebert to co-chair the ACHA Campus Safety and Violence Coalition and the ACHA Protecting Students from Sexual Assault Task Force.
"This is a very exciting opportunity at a pinnacle time in higher education," said Wyandt-Hiebert, director of STAR Central at the University of Arkansas. "We can impact sexual violence on our Nation's campuses through leadership charged with identifying and recommending best practices of prevention education and victim advocacy."
Wyandt-Hiebert will help the Campus Safety and Violence Coalition serve as an information and consultative resource for ACHA, create educational resources, advise the ACHA Board of Directors on relevant policy issues and plan and facilitate programming related to campus safety and violence.
For the Protecting Students from Sexual Assault Task Force, Wyandt-Hiebert will assist in evidence-based strategies to promote effective prevention, victim-centered response and services, and perpetrator accountability. The task force will also work on a guidelines resource for prevention of sexual violence in a college setting, develop ACHA advocacy issues and positions related to sexual assault prevention and response on college campuses and identify training and education needs for ACHA members in providing trauma-informed care.
"I am excited about accepting these appointments and working with some of the best educators, practitioners and advocates across the country," she said.
STAR Central is the Office of Support, Training, Advocacy & Resources on Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence coordinated through the Wellness and Health Promotion Department. Located at the Pat Walker Health Center in office 277, STAR Central serves the University community through education programs, including the award-winning RESPECT program. STAR Central also offers professional consultations and confidential victim advocacy services. For more information, visit our website.
Casey Maute, assistant director for communications
Health Center
(479) 575-4649,