U of A Professor Gives Teaching Seminar at Notre Dame
John Pijanowski, University of Arkansas professor of educational leadership, worked with faculty and graduate students at the University of Notre Dame during a recent trip to the eastern United States.
He talked June 12 to faculty members at the University of Notre Dame about ways to promote student engagement. Pijanowski described experiences of faculty who have attempted innovations with large classes. He conducted a seminar in Notre Dame's biological sciences department.
The talk emphasized teaching and assessing ways of knowing while maintaining the support of knowledge and skill acquisition. Pijanowski outlined several ways resources were used to improve the student experience in these classes and what pitfalls and successes occurred.
Pijanowski led the group in conversation about using some of his recommendations at Notre Dame this fall. He also conducted an ethics workshop with graduate students.
He also recently gave a talk on the "Moral Mind in Action" at the Wadsworth Center in New York, a research-intensive public health laboratory.
Pijanowski's research focuses on how people translate moral thinking into moral action. He is leading a National Science Foundation-funded effort to develop ethics curriculum and teaching guides for future scientists across the United States.
He co-directs the Wally Cordes Center for Teaching and Faculty Support Services at the University of Arkansas.
Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
479-575-3138, heidisw@uark.edu