Staff Appreciation Picnic This Thursday
The 17th annual Staff Appreciation Picnic and Vendor Fair is scheduled from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday, May 21, at the Reynolds Razorback Stadium.
Each year, the Staff Senate plans and hosts this event to honor the hard-working staff of the university, utilizing donations from local vendors and businesses. Many food options will be available, as well as a vendor fair and door prizes. The University of Arkansas staff are incredible and this is a wonderful time to say thanks!
During the picnic, university administrators, coaches, and faculty leaders will assist as Guest Servers to show their support of the U of A staff. Transit and Parking buses will run multiple stops on campus to facilitate transportation to the stadium. Gates 1, 13, and 16 will be open. Additionally, Lots 72 & 73 will be available for parking during the event and will not require a UA permit for parking during the picnic hours.
Roy Hatcher, Staff Senate secretary
University Information Technology Services
(479) 575-2901,