Lot 75 and 79 Closure Starting Monday
Beginning Monday, May 11, parking lots 75 and 79, on the east side of the Garland Center, will be closed for construction. The project is expected to last all summer. During this time, UA permit holders who have been parking in the lot have several options. Current Faculty/Staff and Visitor permit holders can park in the Faculty/Staff (yellow) and Resident Reserved (red) parking spaces in lot 37, across Garland Avenue from the Garland Avenue Garage, or in the Faculty/Staff sections of lots 36 and 36B.
You also have the option to upgrade your current UA parking permit to a Garland Garage permit for the summer. Faculty/Staff and Visitor parking permits do not authorize parking in the Reserved (blue) sections of lot 37. Anyone parking in the metered spaces in lot 37 (black area) is required to pay the meter fee between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Gary Smith, director, Transit and Parking
Transit and Parking
479-575-3304, sdw025@uark.edu