Spring Finals Schedule and Information Available at Studentaffairs.uark.edu
At studentaffairs.uark.edu students can download a PDF file showing the spring 2015 finals week schedule with a complete listing of finals as well as changes in normal university programs and departments to accommodate students who are studying and taking finals. This file also contains some summer hours of operation of for various departments.
Among the information in the PDF, students will find:
- The complete schedule for final exams
- Razorback Transit, paring and Safe Ride information
- Complete dining hall schedules
- Library operating hours
- Enhanced Learning Center tutoring schedule
- Computer Labs hours of operation
Students should also check out @UA4Student on Instagram for some quick study tip videos.
Scott Flanagin, director of communications
University Relations
479-575-6785, sflanagi@uark.edu
Steve Voorhies, manager of media relations
University Relations
479-575-3583, voorhies@uark.edu