University Promotions Center on Highlighting the Positive Change Created by Research

This is a sample from a recent promotion designed to highlight the university's research efforts to national audiences.
Research, teaching and public service are only as good as the positive change they create. The University of Arkansas is leading change in groundbreaking, compelling and innovative ways, all focused on changing lives for the better.
The Office of University Relations has the opportunity and responsibility to share the scholarly productivity and research outputs of University of Arkansas faculty with many audiences. The campus' signature research magazine, Research Frontiers, has been sharing stories of innovation and discovery with growing audiences for more than 14 years. The science and research communications team within university relations works daily to pitch stories to national and international media outlets. This past fall, a complementary website, Leading Change. Changing Lives. was launched to target higher education leaders while focusing on individual research features.
"We sought to highlight stories that would pique the curiosity of our peers in higher education," said Laura Jacobs, associate vice chancellor for university relations. "Our intention is to share stories that will delight and surprise our audience, while informing them that quality research is not only happening but being rewarded in Arkansas, at the University of Arkansas."
University Relations will continue to add features to boths websites.
"We encourage you to explore — and share — our stories," she said.
Laura Jacobs, associate vice chancellor
University Relations