Research Participants Needed to Evaluate Fitness Tracking Mobile Application
The Department of Information Systems at the University of Arkansas is seeking participants for evaluating "Fitness Tracking Technology." The study is a two-part study that involves completing one questionnaire (shouldn't take more than 20 minutes) and evaluating, one week later, a fitness tracking mobile application currently under development by the research team.
Why participate? In addition to free trial of the fitness tracking mobile application, entering a draw to win one out of 15 gift cards with values ranging from $25-$10 usable at major mobile application stores (App Store, Google Play Store, and Microsoft Windows Store), you will be contributing to an area of emerging research that could directly affect how fitness tracking mobile applications are designed.
If you are interested in participating and like to get more details about the study, please click here.
Please contact the principal investigator via e-mail at if you have any questions.
This study has been approved by the University of Arkansas, Institutional Review Board for Human Studies, Fayetteville.
Amr Soror, doctoral candidate
Information Systems Department