2015-16 Staff Senate Elections Are Now Open
The 2015-16 Staff Senate elections are now open until 5 p.m. Friday, April 24. If you are a 100 percent appointed staff member, classified or non-classified (and non-faculty), please vote for the next class of staff senators by going to staffsenateelection.uark.edu. Use your UARK (GACL) username and password to login, and then select staff members from your division, as well as candidates in the "At-large" (or all campus category), to represent you on the Staff Senate.
The Staff Senate is the campus governance group which represents and advocates for staff employees on the Fayetteville campus. Annually, the Staff Senate coordinates employee recognition programs such as Employee of the Quarter, the Outstanding Staff Team Award, the Part-Time Employee Award, and the annual Staff Appreciation Picnic. The Staff Senate also manages the Staff Scholarship program which awards scholarships for staff pursuing a degree at the University of Arkansas.
As the representative voice for staff on policy matters such as benefits, parking, campus safety, working conditions and compensation, the Senate functions as an advisory and policy-referral body to the administration and staff. For more information about the Staff Senate please visit the Staff Senate website.
Only individuals receiving the highest number of votes will win the election, so please spread the word and be sure to cast your vote for the staff who will best represent your voice on the Staff Senate and campus administration. All staff are encouraged to vote.
Stephanie Freedle, chair, Staff Senate Election Committee
Staff Senate
479-575-2505, shamblen@uark.edu