Razorback Transit Extends Fund Raising Opportunity for RSOs
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas Transit and Parking Department is extending its study of Razorback Transit ridership, and is offering more opportunities for Resident Student Organizations to provide volunteers and raise money for their groups.
The study will run through Friday, April 17. Volunteers will work in 2.5 hour shifts – or shorter if necessary—with each RSO volunteer riding one of the Razorback Transit buses and counting the number of riders who get on or off the bus at each stop along the route.
Non-RSO members can also volunteer if they are willing to donate their time to an organization of their choice.
The Parking and Transit Department will divide up to $5,000 among the participating RSOs, based on their number of volunteers. The funds can be used for any RSO activity that complies with U of A guidelines.
Any RSO members interested in this fundraising opportunity, please contact Adam Waddell, associate director of Razorback Transit, at 479-575-6292 or ewaddel@uark.edu.
Adam Waddell, associate director
Transit and Parking
479-575-6292, ewaddel@uark.edu
Steve Voohies, manager, media relations
University Relations
479-575-3583, voorhies@uark.edu