ARTeacher Fellowship Program Seeks Applicants
The Center for Children and Youth at the University of Arkansas is seeking 10 secondary-level teachers to apply for participation in the fourth year of the ARTeacher Fellowship program, a collaboration between the center, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art and the Walton Arts Center.
To be considered for the yearlong project, teachers should be in their third year or greater of teaching English, science, or social studies with an interest in arts integration and the implementation of the Common Core State Standards.
"What we know about education is that the teacher is the most important in-school factor in student achievement," said Chris Goering, associate professor of English education and director of the Center for Children and Youth. "The ARTeacher Fellowship brings together some of the brightest, most promising teachers in the area to focus on arts integration."
The program will provide Fellows with ongoing professional development, collaboration time among teachers, support from U of A staff and faculty, resources provided by partner arts organizations, and the arts integration knowledge and skills to take what they have learned back into their classrooms.
"My kids are producing art," said Katy Moore, ARTeacher Fellow and English teacher at Har-Ber High School in Springdale. "They are engaging in art. They are desperate to come to class to find out what we're going to talk about."
The ARTeacher Fellowship program begins with a three-day institute July 13-15 co-hosted by Crystal Bridges and the Walton Arts Center and continues throughout the 2015-2016 school year. Fellows will receive a $1,200 stipend or three hours of graduate course credit.
To apply, submit the application and a letter of support from your principal or assistant principal to Chris Goering at or 305 Peabody Hall, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 by Thursday, May 7.
Heidi Wells, director of communications
College of Education and Health Professions
(479) 575-3138,