Three U of A Professors Give Scholarly Papers at Professional Conference
Three of our university colleagues lately gave talks at the annual meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South in Boulder, Colorado.
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Joy Reeber gave a talk titled “Theme and Variation: ‘Sappho’ Then and Now” in a session on Greek Literature in Reception.
In a session on Plato, Nicole Clowney gave a paper entitled “Socrates and Scientists: How Modern Neuroscience Supports the Phaedrus’ Account of a Rational Madness.”
The title of Daniel Levine’s paper in a session on Comedy and Performance was “When did Greek Dancers Wear Shoes?”
All the professors of Classical Studies at the University of Arkansas always teach most zealously and write scholarly papers on Greek and Latin literature, the culture of the ancients, and ancient art.
Daniel Levine, professor
Classical Studies