ASG, Chartwells and Full Circle Partner to Provide Donated Meals to Students
The Associated Student Government has partnered with Chartwells and the Full Circle Food Pantry to provide a hunger alleviation program on campus, the Meal Donation Program. At the beginning of the spring semester, meal plan holders and community members had the opportunity to donate $5 of their FLEX money or cash to provide a meal for a student in need.
Each voucher will provide one hot meal in Fulbright, Brough or Pomfret dining halls to a student struggling with food insecurity. Vouchers are not a meal plan; rather they are meant to provide immediate and short term crisis assistance. Recipients will also receive information on how to use the Full Circle Food Pantry for ongoing food assistance.
The Associated Student Government will administer the voucher program. Students can access the program through many student support services on campus or by contacting the Associated Student Government. If your department or office is interested in receiving vouchers to distribute, please contact ASG at
The Associated Student Government acts as an organized voice for all students at the University of Arkansas, by representing students in the University's decision and policy making process as well as providing a broad educational experience for students while promoting citizenship on campus and in the greater community.
Questions about the Meal Donation Program can be referred to Casey O'Grady, ASG director of philanthropy at
Rudy Trejo, assistant director
Office of Student Activities
Scott Flanagin, director of communications and outreach
Division of Student Affairs