U of A Presents Work Left Over, an Exhibition of M.F.A. Candidate Bryanna Jaramillo

The House, 2015, watercolor, gouache, graphite, charcoal and colored pencil on paper 17"x22."
The University of Arkansas Department of Art is pleased to announce the Work Left Over, the M.F.A. thesis exhibition of Bryanna Jaramillo. The exhibition will be on display from March 16-27 in the Fine Arts Center Gallery. The Department of Art will host a reception on Thursday, March 19, at the Fine Arts Center Gallery at 5:30 pm.
What’s Left Over is a body of work that combines drawing, painting and sculpture to express a childlike idea for understanding reality through the lens of adulthood. Through the creation of an alternative world named Lola, Jaramillo explores the balance of truth and fantasy. Imaginative play is translated into reality as she investigates the human desire for lamentation, as well as the deep-set yearning for the past. What’s Left Over is a material culmination of the mental and spiritual, which highlights the moments in which we choose to cherish as we navigate our lives.
The Studio Art M.F.A. program at the University of Arkansas provides an intensive studio environment for committed individuals planning careers as practicing artists. Students work with 29 faculty members to achieve a formal and technical proficiency within their studio area. In addition, students develop a strong conceptual foundation through research that locates their studio practice within contemporary and historical art.
Gallery hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday and 2-5 p.m. Sunday.
Marc Mitchell, curator and director of exhibitions
Department of Art
479-575-7987, mmitch@uark.edu