Housing Search Made Easy at Spring Off-Campus Living Fair
Students will have the opportunity to learn about off-campus apartment communities and housing options at the Spring Off Campus Living Fair from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 25, in the Arkansas Union International Connections Lounge. Although it may seem early, now is the time for students to explore their housing options for the fall 2015 so they do not make a hasty decision.
Property management representatives from 17 local living communities will participate in the fair, along with the city of Fayetteville Community Resources, the Fayetteville Fire Department, the city of Fayetteville Recycling and Trash division, and several other relevant organizations. Campus entities such as Chartwells, Transit and Parking, and University Housing will be in attendance as well to educate and answer questions about campus resources. Contracts for on-campus residence halls are open now and available at housing.uark.edu. Students are encouraged to pick up a passport and visit multiple tables to be entered to win Visa and Amazon gift cards, iPads, a FitBit, a television, Razorback-themed gift baskets, and more!
Off Campus Connections will be on hand to inform students about the university’s official off-campus housing site, offcampushousing.uark.edu, offer tips on a successful transition to off-campus life, and answer questions from commuter or future commuter students.
The University of Arkansas requires first-year students to live on campus, with few exceptions. As students advance in their collegiate career, some move off-campus into apartments and other rental properties in the local community. Now is the time for students to begin their search for affordable, safe housing as they prepare to live on their own for the first time or if they want to move from their current off-campus housing situation. Students who are interested in continuing to reside on campus, or are looking to move on campus, have the opportunity to talk with University Housing at the fair as well.
“Off Campus Connections is excited to host this event each semester in order to bring many options to students at one time, relieving them of having to drive around town to investigate their choices," said Samantha Fehr, coordinator of traditional commuter programs. “We highly encourage students to physically visit any living arrangement before signing a lease, but this event can help them narrow down their choices in a location that is convenient for them.”
For more information about the fair, please contact Samantha Fehr at 479-575-7351 or email sfehr@uark.edu. The Off-Campus Living Fair is a partnership of Off Campus Connections at the University of Arkansas and the city of Fayetteville Community Resources Division. Off-Campus Living Fairs are held once each spring and fall semester.
Samantha Fehr, program coordinator
Off Campus Connections
479-575-7351, sfehr@uark.edu
Scott Flanagin, director of communications and outreach
Division of Student Affairs
479-575-6785, sflanagi@uark.edu