Panamanian Student Organization to Host Panamanian Immersion
The Panamanian Student Organization in partnership with the International Cultural Team and the Pre-Academic Program for SENACYT Scholars invites the campus community and general public to participate in the Panamanian Immersion presenting La Matanza from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, March 14, in the Arkansas Union Connection Lounge, Theater and Verizon Ballroom.
La Matanza, which translates to “killing the cow,” is a widely celebrated social activity in Panama, especially during Easter, to raise money for charity, festivals or the carnival. This event gathers a lot of people that are willing to have fun all day from morning to night by dancing, playing instruments and even playing some games. Other activities during “La Matanza” include auctions and drawings. Another version of La Matanza features a family killing a cow and inviting its relatives and friends to spend a day eating traditional Panamanian food.
In addition, the Panamanian Immersion gives an opportunity to Panamanian and non-Panamanian students to immerse in and experience Panamanian culture and learn about Panamanian history and geography. Students will be able to experience Panamanian culture through music, food and performances to learn more about Panama, its culture and all the achievements attained by its citizens.
Furthermore, this event will give insight of what to expect from Panamanian culture for those students that are interested in doing study abroad in Panama. Lastly, this event will expose the long and strong ties between Panama and the United States and the features both countries share.
The Panamanian Immersion, sponsored by the Associated Student Government, is free for university students and limited tickets are available for non-students at a cost of $17. This event is supported by the Student Activities Fee as a funded event by the Associated Student Government and is free to all currently-enrolled University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, students who pay the student activities fee. For more information about the Panamanian Immersion, or for accommodations due to disability, contact the Panamanian Student Organization at or at 479-575-5694.
Panamanian Student Organization,
Student Affairs