Web Manager Named Global Campus Employee of the Quarter

Leonard Ridley (right), manager of Web design services, accepts the Global Campus employee of the quarter award from Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education.
Leonard Ridley, manager of Web design services, has been named employee of the second quarter by the University of Arkansas Global Campus.
Ridley was recognized for his outstanding contributions to promotional efforts for the Global Campus and online programs at the University of Arkansas. Ridley works with the communications team to develop marketing and promotional tools. He developed and manages three websites for the unit: the Global Campus, the Global Campus Rogers and the University of Arkansas ONLINE websites.
Ridley joined the Global Campus in 2012, after working for the Sam M. Walton College of Business for 12 years.
“I am honored that my co-workers chose me for this recognition,” Ridley said. “I’m very proud of the work our teams do in collaboration with the academic colleges and people across the campus to develop and promote online degree programs and other offerings.”
Javier Reyes, vice provost for distance education, presented the award to Ridley at a recent ceremony and commended him for enhancing the university’s brand by creating modern ad art and developing appealing, student-oriented websites.
“Leonard Ridley is a force of change at the Global Campus and across the University of Arkansas, ” Reyes said. “His contributions and impact reach far beyond our unit. He participated on the campus-wide team that developed and revamped the university’s website design, and people from other institutions have reached out to him for his expertise. His talent and dedication are an unmatched combination at the U of A.”
The Global Campus initiated an employee recognition program in 2013 to recognize outstanding achievement and accomplishments that relate to the unit’s goals and the mission of the University of Arkansas. The other second quarter nominees were Ken Musessig and Rebel Smith.
The honoree is selected by a vote of all Global Campus employees. The award winner receives a commemorative certificate and a monetary award.
Kay Murphy, director of communications
Global Campus
479-575-6489, ksmurphy@uark.edu