VPN Briefly Unavailable During Planned Maintenance, Feb. 8
IT Services will perform planned maintenance from 6 to 6:30 a.m. on Sunday, Feb. 8, to apply a security update to the campus virtual private network (VPN). During the maintenance, Web access to vpn.uark.edu, pci-vpn.uark.edu and uac.uark.edu will be briefly interrupted. Following the maintenance, users connected to VPN with the Junos Pulse application will be required to reconnect.
Planned outages are posted at itstatus.uark.edu/calendar. Get outage notifications and updates from IT Services at twitter.com/uaits, facebook.com/uarkITS or its.uark.edu/news. For notifications from the Networking Engineering Team, follow twitter.com/uark_net and facebook.com/uark.net.
Erin Griffin, documentation/user support specialist
IT Services
479-575-2901, ecgriff@uark.edu