Car Break-ins a Problem on Campus: University Police Offer Five Prevention Tips
FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. – The University of Arkansas Police Department has received reports of nine car or truck break-ins last month in parking lots around the university. They all have one thing in common: all the vehicles were left unlocked. A crime is never the victim’s fault, but there are ways to reduce the chances of being a target for a break-in.
1. Lock your doors and roll up your windows when you leave your vehicle. Many thieves go from car to car checking doors, looking for easy targets.
2. Remove all valuables from your vehicle when possible, or move them out of plain sight. If necessary, put your valuables in your trunk before leaving your vehicle.
3. Don’t tell people you’ve left valuables in your vehicle, even while talking on the phone.
4. Park in a well-lit area after dark. This is also important for your personal safety.
5. Report anyone who looks suspicious. If you see someone in a parking lot looking inside car windows or checking car doors call UAPD immediately at 479-575-2222. Try to a description of the person as well -- height and weight, race and gender, hair color, clothing description, and direction of travel will all help police.
Cpl. Brett Waddell, crime prevention officer